
The Comox Valley Spring Market is Heating Up!

Comox VAlley Real Estate Spring

The Comox Valley Spring Market is Heating Up!

The leaves and flowers are budding, springtime is here and the real estate market is beginning to heat up! Spring is traditionally when most buyers tend to begin their hunt for a new home. The increase in buyer activity generally means an increase in listings and a decrease in the time your home spends on the market. Making sure your home is listed at the right time and at the right price is crucial for success.

Here are several tips to help you prepare your house for sale in this crucial real estate season.

Depersonalize Your Home

Having a home full of family photos and knick-knacks can be distracting to buyers. Potential buyers want to be able to envision their own belongings in your home. Keeping personal décor items to a minimum is ideal when selling your home. Plus, packing up these items will save you time later when your home sells!

Organize Closets & Cabinets

Since buyers are likely to take a peek in your closets and cabinets to gauge how much space they will have, ensure those spaces are clean and tidy. Packing away any extra clutter in your closets and organizing what’s left will allow buyers to easily view these spaces and imagine where their possessions will go when they move in.

Take Care of Minor Repairs

Taking care of small, easy projects before putting your home on the market can make a world of a difference. Filling holes in walls, repairing leaky faucets and refreshing paint will make your home stand out amongst others that are on the market. Buyers like to know they’re moving into a home that has been cared for over the years.

Clean, Clean & Clean Again

It’s no surprise that when you’re selling your home it needs to be completely spotless. Ensure the exterior siding and windows have been washed and the garden has been tended to. Inside the home pay extra attention to the kitchen and bathrooms. Since kitchens and bathrooms are so important to buyers, it’s crucial that you keep these spaces spotless (even inside the cupboards!). Make sure there is no clutter on countertops and no unpleasant odors that may be off-putting to buyers. I would also recommend making sweeping and vacuuming a daily chore, this may seem like overkill, but it’s these minor details that will wow buyers and help your home sell quickly.

It’s a crucial time to sell as the market heats up. I would love to be a part of your selling journey, so if you need any assistance feel free to get in touch! Visit my contact page for all my contact information and to request a FREE Comparative Market Analysis or find out more about selling with me, visit my selling page.

Call me at 250-792-2776 or email tvincentrealty@gmail.com today!