
Don’t Let The Upcoming Holidays Stop You From Listing!

Don’t Let The Upcoming Holidays Stop You From Listing!

Listing your home over the holiday season has advantages

While the thought of having your home on the market over the holidays may dampen your Christmas spirit, the holidays are actually a great time to sell a home in the Comox Valley.

Despite the weather and the season, buyers are still looking at the current market and if they’re looking right now, they’re serious buyers! As we move into a more balanced market, realize that a well-priced home is still moving quickly. Did you know that the Comox Valley’s benchmark price for a single family home is up 5 percent year over year?

By listing your home over the holidays, you are putting your home on the market at a time when there is less inventory competing for potential buyers. Throw in some serious home buyers who have the time to look at at this time of year and you have all the ingredients for a Christmas miracle!

Ten tips to sell your home over the holidays

Once you’ve committed to listing or keeping your home on the Comox Valley real estate market, get out the tinsel and follow these tips to maximize your holiday home selling potential:

1. Deck the halls. Homes often look their best over the holidays, but don’t overdo it. Keep the holiday décor minimal and be sure to avoid causing offence by sticking with natural winter greenery.

2. Polish your curb appeal. Winter weather can be rough on the exterior of your home. Be sure to touch up paint, clean the gutters and ensure stairs and walkways are free of leaves, snow and ice.

3. Seek motivated buyers. Holiday house hunters likely have a good reason to be looking at this time of year. Work with your Realtor to target buyers on a deadline, such as military and RCMP personnel transferring to the Comox Valley.

4. Price it right. A home that’s priced right for the current real estate market is sure to make home buyers merry and bright. With so few homes on the market, you can likely ask more for your home that you’ll be able to in the spring when everyone else lists their homes!

5. Take high-quality photos. Given the weather, many buyers likely start their search online. Having good quality photos that flatter your home can make an impression on buyers. It’s also a good idea to have seasonal photos to show what your property is like all year-round. Contact me for recommendations on great real estate photography.

6. Create a video tour. Winter weather and holiday vacations can decrease foot traffic through your home. But creating a video tour can draw in house hunters not willing to trudge through rain, sleet or snow, or buyers surfing homes for sale from elsewhere.

7. Appeal to all senses. Bake yourself an apple pie or cinnamon cookies and make your home a little more enticing. And don’t forget to turn on the fireplace—creating a warm and cozy place for buyers to call home.

8. Have a boot tray. Keep a brand new, clean boot tray inside the front door for home buyers and their agents to use. This reduces clean-up between showings.

9. Get a reliable, experienced agent. You need a reliable Comox Valley Realtor who won’t disappear over the holidays and will give you the gift of working hard to sell your home.

10. Relax. The holiday season’s stressful enough without showings. So, take time for some holiday cheer and remind yourself that if you don’t sell now, next year’s right around the corner!

Are you ready to sell your home over the holidays? I have one of the most extensive online real estate marketing strategies in the Comox Valley and I’m ready to help you sell your home this holiday season!

To see advantages of listing your home with me click here! If you have any questions, feel free to call me anytime at 250-792-2776 or email tvincentrealty@gmail.com today!